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3. Tucking your babies into paper towel

1. Once they have soaked, get yourself 2 big bowls and some kitchen towel.

2. Fill your water bottle up with distilled or filtered water.

3. Lay 2 pieces of kitchen towel into the base of the bowl.

4. Carefully take the seed out of the jar it’s been soaking in. (You can use the ice cream sticks to help you get the seeds out).

5. Lay the seed and it’s ice cream stick on the paper towel.

6. Cover with 2 more pieces of kitchen towel.

7. Spray with your water bottle. (About 2 - 5 sprays).

8. Repeat for the rest of your seeds. ( Seed and stick/ paper towel/ spray with water/ repeat).

9. Once all the seeds are tucked in, put 2 more pieces of kitchen towel over the top.

10. Give it a few more sprays with your water bottle.

11. Cover with the second bowl, leaving a little gap for air.

12. Leave in a warm dark place.

13. Check on your babies regularly.

14. Spray with water if you notice the paper starting to dry out.

15. Watch your babies start to grow.

16. You will notice your seeds getting little tails.

17. The tails will grow longer and the little seed cap will come off. (You might need to assist this process if that little seed cap is being stubborn. Gently remove it once it starts to open but don’t force it off, it can fall off all on its own).

18. You have now successfully “popped” your first seeds. The seeds will be in the paper towel for around 3 days.

19. When the tails are about 3cm long, you’ll want to move them to their new home.

20. Read the next post to find out what to do next.

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